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Barford St Peter's CE Primary School home page

Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"


Welcome to Reception!


We are very excited to welcome you all to your start of school life at Barford! We are going to have a fun-filled time with lots of learning and fun activities. 


This is our class page where you will find information that you may need about our class! You will also find photographs of some of our fun activities in and outside of school.



Mrs Hurlock is the Class Teacher (Monday - Thursday) 



















Mrs Smith teaches Reception on Thursday afternoon and Fridays.


Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Sanghera (Monday - Friday)





Dates for your Diary


Tuesday 10th September 

Reception children all start full days. Drop off is at our classroom red gate between 8.30-8.45am. Collection is from the same gate at 3.15pm. Bright Stars Club registered children will be escorted to club by a member of staff.


Wednesday 25th September 

5pm Phonics workshop in the school hall.

A practical session to help you to support your child's reading development at home. 


Tuesday 1st October

2.30 - 3.15pm Stay and Play.

An opportunity for your child to show you around our learning environment and also for you to look at your child's learning. Staff will be available to talk to about your child's Barford journey so far. 




Weekly timetable


View our timetable in each term's folder below. Here are some key things to remember:



BOOK CHANGE DAY- Please ensure your child's reading book is kept in their book bags every day. If you have finished sharing your child's book, please write in the diary 'finished book' so that it can be changed. 

Phonics Home Learning - On Mondays we also update your child's pink phonics learning book to go home, so that new phonemes can be practised daily. Please make sure the book is in your child's book bag.

P.E day! The children will play a range of multi-sports activities to support balance, co-ordination and agility, lead by our PE coach. Pupils will be encouraged to dress and undress for PE. P.E. kits are to remain in school until they need to be washed. Please make sure all items are named and try to send the children into school in uniform they can manage by themselves.



P.E day! This term we are combining movement and dance with our Music unit  'Transport'.



Forest School Runs from September to December and then again March to July. On Thursday children should come to school dressed in their school top, jumper with leggings or tracksuit bottoms to keep warm and protect themselves.  Appropriate clothing with wellies, waterproofs and warm gloves and hats during the cold weather is necessary. They will change into wellies to go down to Forest School. Wellies can be brought in each week or left in our welly store cupboard at school. A spare set of socks and joggers in case they get wet would be useful.

Unfortunately, children not wearing the appropriate clothing will not be able to participate for safety reasons.



BOOK CHANGE DAY- Please ensure your child's reading book is kept in their book bags every day. If you have finished sharing your child's book, please write in the diary 'finished book' so that it can be changed. 



A day in the life of a Reception child!


You will be welcomed into our lovely classroom each day where we will say hello to each other and do our daily register. You will quickly learn to chose your own lunch every day by telling Miss Sanghera what you would like. It will it be a yummy hot dinner or will you bring your special packed lunch in. The choice is yours and it can change each day! 


Once we are settled we will begin to join the rest of the school for collective worship in the hall where we will listen to stories, share ideas and sing songs. It's a lovely time to all be together. 


Each day we will do phonics together in the morning and afternoon where we begin to learn sounds through stories, songs and actions. You can then practise these new sounds all around the classroom. Can you find something that begins with the sound? Can you try and write the letter for the sound in the sand, using paint or pencils? Hopefully you will remember this sound of the day to share with your parents and carers when they pick you up! Once we've mastered some sounds you will then begin to take reading books home in your lovely, red book bag!


Each day we will look at a text and this might be a poster, a sign, a fiction book or an information book. We might do some drama, dance or make puppets. Each day we will also have a maths focus which might be looking at numbers, shapes, patterns and many other things.


We will come together as a class to talk about our learning throughout the day, but you will also have lots of time to play with your friends both inside and outside.  You will be able to make your own choices about what you would like to do with the resources that will be offered that day. Would you like to paint? Would you like to create some music? Would you like to build a tower? Would you like to create a cafe outside? Once a week we will have a special time where we do RE which is when we look at stories from different religions of our World. We use this time to reflect on our own beliefs and learn to respect each other's differences.


Each day you will have your lunch together in the school hall where you will see some other children from Barford. You will have lots of helpers in the hall to help you cut some tricky foods or open difficult yogurt pots!


We will work closely together as a team to help keep our classroom tidy. We will learn to help each other when we find something tricky and always look after each other. 


Before you go home each day, we will share a story or sing a song, read aloud our class prayer together and reflect on our day. We will then gather our things together ready to wave hello to your parents and carers with a big smile.  

Our Class Prayer 


We are learning the prayer below to read aloud together at the end of the school day.


We really want to thank you Lord, for all we've done today.

Thank you for the fun times, the laughter and the play.

Thank you for the meal times, the learning and the sharing.

For everyone here together; the loving and the caring.

Come take us by your loving hand, and hold us through the night,

And when the morning sunshine comes, please fill us with your light.





What's for lunch this week?


Follow the link below to a page on our website which has the menus downloaded for the upcoming weeks. If you can, have a chat with your child about what they might like to eat for lunch that day especially if the choices are something they haven't tried before. 



Parents are able to follow their child’s learning via our online learning journal, Tapestry. We will update this as regularly as possible and you will then be able to download the document as a PDF at the end of the school year.

Useful websites