Welcome to Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School
Barford St. Peter’s is a very special place to be; the school has a strong and distinctively Christian ethos and adults and children live together in unity with the school vision being the heartbeat of the school:
‘Together we love; together we learn’.
We aim to provide children with an outstanding educational experience in a nurturing environment, in which we value all God’s children. Children at Barford St. Peter's care for each other deeply and demonstrate these values both inside and outside of school.
We place a strong emphasise on our collaborative relationship with parents and work closely together to ensure the very best for the children. Our school serves, and is at the heart of, the Barford community. We value our close links with organisations and individuals in the village and beyond.
We do hope you enjoy visiting our website. If you would like to learn more about our school, please contact the school office to arrange a discussion with myself or to arrange a visit to the school. Everyone is welcome and you will have the chance to see first-hand what makes Barford St. Peter's such a special place to be.
Mrs Mary Baker
Head Teacher