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Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"

Governing Body



A warm welcome from our Governing Body


To contact our Governors, please send an email 'for the attention of Jane Hinde' (Chair of Governors) to school admin at or the Clerk to the Governors at



Governors are the strategic leaders within schools and have the responsibility of promoting high standards of educational achievement, ensuring every child in their school receives the best quality education.  The DfE Governance Handbook (August 2021) states the governing body has three core functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


Governors are appointed by different groups.  Within Church schools like ours, Foundation Governors are appointed by the Church, and have additional responsibilities within the governing body:


Foundation governors have the responsibility to secure the character of the school as a Church of England voluntary school, that is preserved and developed in accordance with the school's trust deed and its ethos statement.  This will include facilitating links between the school and its parish and being involved in the preparation of the school's self-evaluation prior to a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection, and possibly attending the inspection itself.


The Full Governing Body (FGB) usually meets six times a year, and there are different focusses at each meeting, although all major issues relating to the efficient management of the school feature on each agenda. Also the Strategic Leadership Group, which comprises key members of the school staff and governing body, meets three times a year, as does the Collective Worship Committee.



Governor Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings 2023-24

If you would like to contact Jane Hinde please complete the form below.

Matthew Adam, Co-Chair of Governing Body and Parent Governor







I have two girls at Barford School and have lived in the village since late 2019.  I am a local company startup founder, having started my company, the We Are Group, in 2012, and grown it into a 100-person outfit based in Coventry.  The company is a social enterprise which manages community programmes for government, councils and housing associations, supporting people in need or who are excluded in some way, including digital skills, employability and debt advice programmes.  I'm very passionate about social enterprise being a force for good in business and society.


I'm excited to be supporting the Head and the School in its future endeavours, as a recently joined parent governor who started in late 2023.  The school has a fantastic and important place in the local community, and all the staff do such vital work for the children.  I am hoping to bring some of my business experience, especially in fundraising, to support the school and its growth.

Wendy Barlow Wendy Barlow, Foundation Governor


I have been involved in teaching all my working life.  For the 18 years before retirement I was Head of two village schools.
I became involved as a helper with Pre-school on my retirement in 2004 and have subsequently enjoyed a similar role with the foundation years at St.Peter's.
I have 2 children.  My son lives in the village and attended Barford St Peter's as will his three year old son.  My daughter lives near Bath and I have two more grandchildren aged 19 and 22.
I am an active member of the local Drama Group, organise the weekly Scout Hut Coffee morning and have been a Parish Councillor for more years than I care to remember!
I have an allotment and am keen on gardening.  You will catch me round the village with my dog or grandson.
I am currently a member of the Scout Supporters Group, working towards a new building which will serve both uniformed groups and the community at large.


Ann Fawcett, Chair of Collective Worship Committee Ann Fawcett, Collective Worship Chair and Foundation Governor


I have been part of the governing body at Barford St. Peter’s since 1975 serving as a Foundation Governor. When I was first appointed we were known as Managers. During that time I have been Chair and always associated with the R.E. and Collective Worship aspect of governor responsibilities.

I have seen the school grow and change and been involved in many of the struggles to enable that development. There has always been a strong connection with the parish church and as a Reader and member of the Ministry team since 1993, I have been able to support that relationship.

To me it does not seem a long time. I have always been interested in education and I have grown in my understanding of primary education and the particular needs of this school as the school has increased in numbers, in buildings, in educational standards and become an increasingly important part of the community.

My other main interest has been in reading and I have been able to spend time in school most weeks in order to hear children read.

 Jennifer Herbent, Foundation Governor


My background has always been in education.  I was a primary school teacher for 15 years and then when my boys started school at Barford St Peter's, I decided to have a career change and set up my own business delivering educational classes to toddlers and pre-schoolers with the focus on reading.  My business has gone from strength to strength, and, as well as running daytime classes, I now also run sessions in nurseries and preschools.


I am passionate about education, especially getting children into books from an early age, and having worked in a number of educational settings over the years, I can see what a wonderful school Barford St Peter's is.  My two boys have thrived since they started at the school, and I know that it is down to the wonderful nurturing atmosphere which all the staff create.  I am very invested in the school.  I love the ethos and the way all the children are respected, appreciated and made to feel they can achieve anything.


I was delighted to be appointed as a Foundation Governor in March 2024 and hope that with my skillset I will be an asset to the governing body.

  Stacie Higgins - Co-opted Governor

I am new to the governor role, and feel very excited to get started.  My mother is an experienced governor and governance has interested me a great deal.  I hold an interest in education, inclusion and ensuring all children can learn and thrive at school.

I am a mother of two children and live near Barford.  I am a Forensic Psychologist and Trauma Therapist.  One of my many roles includes consultancy and strategic leadership, and I regularly work within a multidisciplinary team.  I feel these are transferable skills I can bring to the governor role.  I look forward to helping promote the values of the school and the Christian ethos.  I firmly believe in shared values and how this creates an environment where everyone can feel valued.  I am personally a very sociable, creative and friendly person.  

I am excited for this new opportunity and hope to provide a positive contribution to the governing board.



Jane Hinde Jane Hinde, Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor


I joined the governing body at Barford St Peter’s in September 2019, nearly five years ago. During this time I have been involved in a number of ways, supporting the Head and the teaching staff and challenging them in order to improve attainment and standards for all the children in the school.


At first I worked on the Performance and Standards Committee and then later became its Chair.  I have also been the Lead Governor for Safeguarding for the last two years.  Since September 2023 I have been the Chair of Governors.


I was in education for over 30 years as an English and Drama teacher in secondary schools.  Before retiring I was Head of English in a secondary school in Nottinghamshire where I also worked as an Advanced Skills teacher across the county.


I moved to the area from my home in Lincoln in 2018 in order to be near to my children and grandchildren, all boys, aged 10, 8 and 3.  Another boy is due in September!  So, as well as my knowledge and skills in education, I have a close understanding of the primary curriculum.


Although the grandchildren keep me busy, I also enjoy singing with the Leamington Bach Choir and working in my garden.


Ann Holliday, Foundation Governor Ann Holliday, Foundation Governor


I was employed in a variety of educational settings for most of my working life, and my aim has always been to help children to develop to the full level of their potential.  I have a lot of experience in helping children to acquire literacy skills, and particularly in supporting children with specific learning difficulties.

I have lived in Barford with my husband, Jon, for 30 years, and our three sons were all pupils at Barford.  As a child, I also had a very positive experience of attending a Church of England primary school, and this was a determining factor in my decision to apply to be a governor at Barford St Peter's.

I am an active member of Barford St Peter's Church and enjoy many interests, chiefly spending time with my  grandchildren, playing the piano, reading and crochet.

  Cassie Philpotts, Vice-Chair of Governing Body and Foundation Governor

I have a son who attends and is thriving at Barford Pre-School and who is very much looking forward to joining Reception in September.  Whilst we have only lived in the village for five years, it is apparent that Barford St Peter's plays a central role in community engagement.


I am currently a strategic middle leader as the Head of History, Geography and Religious Education and Head of Year in a middle school and find teaching and learning extremely rewarding.  I consider myself to be at the forefront of contemporary educational practice and am someone who can easily engage with students, teachers, parents and community leaders alike in a manner that is both open and inclusive.


Since working as a teacher, I have been lucky to work alongside many talented people: staff, students and governors.  This has given me a sound understanding of the complexities of working as a team to provide the best possible education for individuals and groups of children.  I aim to use my experience and energy where it is most effective and understand that good support, strong relationships, honesty, and a feeling of togetherness is imperative to being part of a successful team.


I fully support the commitment of Barford's ethos and will continue to demonstrate my commitment to working with the children, colleagues, parents/carers and the Diocese in a climate of mutual challenge and support.

  Alan Rhead, Local Authority Governor

I joined the governing body at Barford St Peter's in September 2023.

I retired from work eight years ago from a construction project management business that I owned.

Last May I stood down as a Warwick District Councillor after 16 years of service.  In that time I served on the District's Cabinet with responsibility for the environment.

I am married to Hilary and we have three children, one of whom has learning difficulties.  All of our three children started their education at Barford School.

We have lived in Barford since 1980.  Since we have a daughter with learning difficulties, I am particularly interested in the contribution the School can continue to provide for those with learning difficulties or other disabilities.

I would also like to use my construction management, environmental and business skills for the School's benefit.

I am a trustee of the Barford Community Charity, and I am keen to see the Barford Community continues to benefit from the Charity's funds where appropriate.

I am also a trustee for a charity called Way Ahead Support Services which provides support for people with learning difficulties.

Tim Sewards, Staff Governor Tim Sewards, Staff Governor


I am delighted to have been appointed as staff governor in 2021 in order to further represent and support our excellent school. I have been teaching since 2010, and I joined Barford St. Peter's in 2016 when it was still a mixed-form entry school. Before then, I have taught in Rugby, Nuneaton, Coventry and Leamington, predominately in areas of social disadvantage. This has given me a great deal of teaching and management experience, especially when considering the varying challenges families and especially children face in their daily lives, which is enabling me to provide valuable insight into ensuring our school continues to provide for all of our school community. 

I am fortunate enough to live in the village of Barford, which enables me to become more widely involved in village life. I am a current member of our PCC and have previously sat on our King George's Playing Fields committee too. I'm also involved in a local football group within the village, as well as playing badminton and golf and visiting my five nieces and one nephew in whatever spare time I can muster!



  Lynda Wardle - Foundation Governor

My school days started at Barford School, in the old building which is now the Bright Horizons Nursery.  I originally trained in the catering industry, but became interested in education when our three children started school, so I had a change of career.  At their Church Primary School I was involved in many ways - as a parent, employee and a governor.  I worked for Warwickshire County Council for 30 years, and my final role before retirement was as a teaching assistant at Barford School.


Having worked in the education system, I am very aware of the challenges faced by staff and pupils in school in the 21st century.  I am willing to learn, and to work alongside and support Barford School in any way I can.

Amanda Wood, Parent Governor Amanda Wood, Parent Governor


I have a little boy at Barford St Peter's and feel very strongly about being involved in the life and workings of the school community; in particular, ensuring that the work of the school fulfils its needs to all our children.  As a representative parent on the governing body, I have a unique perspective experiencing the delivery of the curriculum via my child and can share how the school is perceived by parents.

The first part of my career in publishing focused on the commissioning and production of teaching and learning resources for the early years, including phonics and special educational needs.  I spent a lot of time in schools understanding the challenges for teachers and children, and - hopefully - translating those into the products we created.  The next 20 years of my career were in academic publishing, where I held leadership roles in operations and change delivery.

It is important for me to be aware of parents' views and concerns, so I am always available to listen, impartially, to other parents and to advise on appropriate actions or procedures.