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Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"

Performance and Listening

Year 3 & 4 Brass concert 2024


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The progress Year 4 have made in music this year is phenomenal. We loved listening to their end of year performance which was so professional; some children even had the chance to perform improvisations!


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Year 3 warming up their mouth pieces with some call and response work.


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Well done to Year 3 - amazing perseverance and determination to learn their brass instrument. They are delighted that they get to carrying on learning in Year 4 which will show real progression this time next year.

Year 6 and Year 5 Musicians perform a World War Two Musical Experience

Year 6 Music and Poetry Asssembly

Year 3 Music and Poetry Assembly

Year 4 learning brass instruments