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Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Barford St Peter's school we take the mental health and wellbeing of all the children, families and staff seriously. As a school we are here to help and support both the children and families. This is fundamental to our school values and Christian ethos of together we love, together we learn.


We understand that the children need to feel safe, valued and happy to enable them to embrace their learning and all the opportunities the school offers.


The school aims to support all children to develop an understanding of their emotions and that all emotions are ok but also to teach them ways that they can manage these emotions safely. To support this, throughout the whole school, we have implemented The Zones Of Regulation. All classrooms have their own zone boards to support the children in recognising and naming emotions. Using the Zones of Regulation not only helps the children recognise emotions but it also teaches them strategies or tools that can help the children to regulate themselves. For more information, see 'The Zones of Regulation' tab of our website.



          Getting your child ready for a new school term


Starting school or going back after the holidays can feel difficult for children. As a parent or carer, you can help them to prepare:


Ask how they are feeling 


Talking about returning to school with your child can help them understand how they feel.


Even if your child doesn't seem worried it's a good idea to ask them how they feel about returning. 


If they are feeling anxious, ask them what they feel anxious about. 


Reassure them that it is ok to have worries and give them praise for sharing them with you. 


Worries and anxiety can happen if the child feels out of control. It helps to find things they can control and start from there. 


Make a plan 


Make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Plan bedtime and morning routines for when your child has returned to school. Try doing this in the run up to school starting. 


Things to include in routine. 


Make sure there is time for breakfast, getting dressed and out the door on time without a rush. 


Pack school bag and  get uniform out the night before. so it's less to think

in the mornings. 


Helping your child look forward to school


Talk about all the positives of returning to school, these might include: 


Seeing their friends.

Learning new things.

Seeing their teachers.  

Our first ever Calm Connections, Tea & Talk event was a huge success! We had a lovely group of parents who came and drank tea, ate delicious homemade cake and connected with each other, chatting about life as parents of a child with SEND needs. It was such a supportive environment, where everyone felt able to share and support each other.

Does your child or a member of your family have SEND or mental health needs? Want to connect with others? Parents, carers and family members, come and join us for Calm connections. We will be announcing a new date soon for the autumn term.

Is your child struggling to manage their emotions?


Visit The Calm Zone on the Childline website for activities, breathing exercises, calming games and puzzles, creative strategies to help children express how they are feeling, Yoga videos and lots more ways to manage feelings of anxiety, sadness or anger. Suitable for children of all ages.



Zones of Regulation

Universal support, we currently offer in school to support Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH):


Daily check-ins

Lunch Bunch

Clubs to support regulation e.g. Lego, drawing and reading clubs

Zones of Regulation

Emotion Coaching



Targeted support we currently offer in school to support SEMH:


School counsellor

 Our counselling services are provided by Snowford Grange (click here to visit their website for further details: Snowford Grange Counselling Services )


Think Good, Feel Good (Key Stage 2)

Pictures of Me





Family support and advice.

If you or your child is struggling with mental health or any well-being issues, please be assured we are here to help and support in any way we can. If you would like to raise any concerns, our mental health lead for the school is Mrs Michelle Bunn and she can be contacted via the office to arrange an appointment.


Ways to support your child at home with their emotions or mental health:


TALK to your child about how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Give reassurance that it is normal to have changes in their emotions and that it is ok. Try to answer any questions your child may have in an appropriate way for their age and understanding. Don't worry if you don't have the answers to any questions, just talking through what they are going through can help them feel calmer. 


LISTEN to your child about how they are feeling and don't dismiss their feelings. Let them know it is ok to feel how they do. 


ENCOURAGE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE which includes regular exercise and, where possible outdoors. This is very beneficial as it helps to reduce the levels of stress hormones. Good sleeping habits with calm bedtime routines and a balanced healthy diet are ideal. 


MAKE A WORRY BOX which is somewhere to put worries which can help your child to feel a sense of control. They can write the worry down and put it in the box, either for you to see the worry and offer support and then you can throw the worry away together after or the child can put it in there until they feel ready to talk about it. 


HAVE A CALM BOX which is a useful tool to have when your child is struggling with their emotions. Your child can help come up with what they would find useful in the box to help them self-regulate. Some ideas of things that could go in the calm box are fidget toys, pens/pencils, notebook to write, draw or doodle, favourite book, cuddly toy, photos of their favourite people or things, stress ball.

Useful websites 



The Samaritans

Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy