Collective Worship
Collective Worship is at the heart of our school day and is the foundation on which our Christian school values and ethos is built; it supports the Christian distinctiveness of our school and heightens our sense of unity.
As a Church of England school, our family is guided by God's teachings of:
Ignited by God's spirits, our children shine as a light in the world.
Collective worship is a highly valued and integral part of our life at Barford St.Peter's, supported by all staff and governors. It reaffirms our Christian vision and its associated values and is a vital element in offering opportunities for children and adults to develop their own spiritual identity. Our collective worship is rooted in Christianity and shows due regard for the ages, aptitudes and family backgrounds of our pupils. Every day, we light three candles in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and pray for our school family to go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Inclusive, invitational and inspiring acts of collective worship enable children and adults of Christian, other faith, or none, to encounter faith, explore big questions and develop their sense of spirituality through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection. Children and adults reflect on spiritual, moral, philosophical issues through a carefully planned sequence of worship themes that visit and revisit our Christian vision and values, Bible stories and other Christian traditions throughout the liturgical calendar of the Christian year.
Our church is at the heart of our school community and congregating at St. Peter's enhances worship and spiritual development for us all. Regular worship at church is planned and led by the children.
This half term, our Christian value is RESPECT
'Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.'
Romans 12:10
Linked values are: Service, Integrity, Humility, Friendship, Generosity, Love
A Prayer for Respect
Dear God,
We thank you for each day,
Please help us to respect and tolerate everyone, including those that are different to us.
Help us to be kind and patient with one another and always show respect.
No matter what race, age, gender or religion people are, help us to be fair and kind to them.
Help us to co-operate, be helpful and listen.
Protect all of us and help us to make our school and the world a better place.