The school aims to provide a high quality history curriculum which inspires and challenges children. Our history curriculum will allow children to develop their understanding of Britain's history as well as the history of the wider world. Chronology is at the heart of our history curriculum and we feel it is important for children to understand where a period of time sits in relation to another. Pupils will learn through an enquiry based approach with each unit starting with an overarching question. Pupils will also develop their understanding of key concepts such as continuity and change, similarities and comparisons and cause and consequence. Learning will take place both in and out of the classroom in order to allow children to see how their learning extends beyond the school and give them opportunities to connect with experts in the field.
History is taught through different topics with each topic beginning with an enquiry based question. Our curriculum is designed with several key themes running through it including monarchy, settlements and invasions and invention and technology. The topics we have chosen are also designed to allow children to revisit these key themes and build upon prior learning.
Children will have a good understanding of the historical periods they have studied and they will begin to understand how events in the past have impacted on society today. Children will be able to form their own opinions about historical events, people and places they have studied