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Barford St Peter's CE Primary School home page

Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Year 5 is taught by Miss Newman.


In Y5 we study some very exciting topics; Maya, Space, Anglo-saxons & Vikings, Sail away and Who invented chocolate?


Reading is at the heart of Barford St Peter's curriculum and our high quality texts this year include The Great Kapok Tree, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Kensuke's Kingdom and Beowulf.


We will keep this page you updated with our learning as much as possible and look out for other information in our newsletters, on twitter and shared learning events. Check our our 'Curriculum in Action' page too.

Books to read before your leave Year 5


Reading is an essential part of life here at Barford St. Peter's, and our whole school reading challenge is a crucial element of our culture.


Here you can find the list of books to read before the end of Year 5. How many of you will achieve the exclusive reading pin to show your completion of the whole list?

Some helpful links:

Contact Year 5