School Events
Ricky Dance comes to Barford!
On Friday 15th March 2024, we were delighted to welcome Ricky Brown - a highly experienced dancer - to Barford for a day of dance workshops. Each class in Key Stage 2 had a 45 minute dance session in which time they learnt an ambitious dance routine to a popular piece of music. In the afternoon, each class performed to the rest of Key Stage 2 and every class shone. The atmosphere in the hall was electric, filled with smiling, inspired, fulfilled and energised children's faces. Mrs Rose has since been inundated with requests to re-book Ricky for as soon as possible so hopefully it won't be too long before he is back! The staff remarked on how every single child participated with confidence, gaining something memorable from the experience. What an exciting and enriching opportunity which enabled our children the chance to develop and discover an interest and their talents in dance. We are so proud of everyone for learning together and embracing the challenge!
Year 5's dance session with Ricky...
Science and Technology Week
Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May we had a special science and technology week in school!
Year 1&2 went to Stratford to the MAD museum which was great fun! Year 5&6 went to the Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry to see 'Dippy the Dinosaur'.
On Thursday we held a special science day, where each class experienced 7 different science or technology activities. These included a special space show inside a planetarium, learning more about the chicken's favourite food, about skeletons, how circuits work, how to design structures with marshmallows and spaghetti to ensure they were strong, how to keep an egg safe when dropped from height and investigations into colour. The children were fabulous and even dressed up as famous scientists!
Science Week!
The Coronation of King Charles III
On Wednesday 3rd May the Barford community came together to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. The children sang a special coronation song and year 5 performed a dance. The school choir also performed two songs.
We were joined by Lord Lieutenant Tim Cox, who helped the children to plant a special Coronation Oak Tree. This was planted next to the Oak tree which had been planted at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
The children held competitions to design the best crown and to see who could bake the best cake or quiche!
It was a wonderful community event thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Coronation of King Charles III
Harvest Festival
Thank you to our generous children and their families for the wonderful donations for the Leamington Food Bank, and for donations towards Water Aid. We raised £130 which is fantastic! Well done children for your poems, prayers, singing and presenting, you were brilliant!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We held a most enjoyable morning eating cake for a good cause! We raised an amazing £459 for Macmillan. Well done everyone!

Environment Week
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” Genesis 2:15
The children at Barford St Peter’s are passionate about the environment. They want to help protect, care for and save the planet and animals as much as possible. In the summer term of last academic year, July 2020, the children of Barford St Peter’s took part in a whole school ‘Environment Week’. During the week we celebrated ‘Clean Air day’, wrote poems, planted flowers, made seed bombs and campaigned to save the environment.
This involved, every child and member of staff in our school writing and sharing their own environment poem. The children chose the theme of their poem, with some KS2 children writing about deforestation and air pollution, whilst KS1 children chose to write about trees and nature.
As part of our environment week, all children in the school registered with Blue Peter to become ‘Climate Heroes’, each class made a pledge of something they would do to help the environment and become a climate hero! For example, turning the lights off when leaving the room, turning off the tap when brushing our teeth so that we don’t waste water or planting flowers. As a reward for the children’s fantastic efforts each child in school received a green ‘Climate hero’ badge – you will probably see the children wearing these with pride!
At Barford St Peter’s we have excellent, immersive and incredibly successful outdoor learning provision and opportunities for all children in the school to experience outdoor learning – from Pre-school to Year 6. During our environment week, Y2 created their own seed bombs, which were pollinator friendly which meant that they were fantastic for bees and butterflies.
KS2 also had their own fun outside down in our forest school area, creating their ‘positive messages’ about saving the environment using natures natural materials!
Year 3 also had a very fascinating lesson all about the environment from our trustee Roger, he talked to the children about air pollution. We are so lucky to have such wonderful links with the local community and such passionate, kind people within our school community too to help us learn together.