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Barford St Peter's CE Primary School home page

Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"

Working Scientifically

23.9.24 Science - Today in Science, Year 5 made parachutes and dropped them from a height. We timed to see how fast they fell to the floor, we discovered that the best parachutes were the ones that fell the slowest, creating the most air resistance

Year 6 investigate the bext conditions for mould growth

Year 6 design and carry out their own fair test.

Year 6: Can we find a way of accurately measuring 30 seconds (without using a stopwatch!)?

Year 6: Does a person's height affect their reaction times?

Year 4: can we find a way to show 30 seconds?

Year 6 Investigation into light. How can you split white light into a spectrum of colours?