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Barford St. Peter's C.E. (V.A.) Primary School

"Together we love; together we learn"


NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe


This week we held our NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe assemblies. Children listened carefully to the key messages that they should ALWAYS tell a trusted grown up if they are worried. 


They also had great fun learning the number for CHILDLINE - 0800 1111


More resources and information can be found on the link below.

Our designated safeguarding leaders are:


Mrs Mary Baker

Mrs Lucy Rose

Miss Aisha Richards

Mrs Michelle Bunn

Our designated safeguarding governors are:


Jane Hinde

Ann Fawcett

Our online safety co-ordinator is Tim Sewards.


If you would like to raise an online safety concern, or just want to contact our co-ordinator, you can do so here: